Monday, June 27, 2011

Victory Sunday

"And God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power." (Act 2:24)
Sunday, June 26 has come and is gone forever.
Praise the Lord!
I was asked to preach, and I did preach on that day at the Rosenort Fellowship Chapel. I know I had a herd of sheep praying for me, and so I had nothing to worry about. Preparation week had gone well, and now just to speak forth the word I thought the Holy Spirit had given me to say.
When I got to the church, I was indeed very tired. We prayed in the pastor's office, and I was assured everything would be alright. I struggled through the message. I had not the energy I needed to put more into it. But I left it all on the pulpit. I gave it all I had.
And the rest of day I paid for it. We were invited out for lunch, and after that I crashed into our bed at home till this morning.I told Julia yesterday that Sunday's message might just be the last one I will preach here on earth (and nobody is ever going to ask me to preach in heaven when we have Jesus as our Teacher there).
I simply express deep heart-felt thanks for praying for me about this past Sunday's sermon. Thanks for praying.
I will post the message on my blog shortly as it needs some tiny editing.
In Christ our Lord,

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